Newbern Library Halloween Pumpkin Carving & Costume Contest
The Newbern Library along with Auburn’s Rural Studio will sponsor a Pumpkin Carving Contest on Wednesday evening, October 30; 2024 at 5:00 pm in front of the Red Barn, right next to the Newbern Post Office.
On Friday, November 1, 2024, we will have a costume parade at the Newbern Library at 5:00 pm. Put that fantastic costume on one more time and come join the parade.
Prizes will be awarded for the best carved Pumpkin and for the best costume. We will award children and adult prizes in both contest.

Register to Vote
Register to vote at the Hale County Library on October 19 from 9a.m. - 1p.m. Because your vote matters! Please bring ID. Last day to register to vote is October 21st.

Knitting and Crocheting
The knitting and crocheting groups meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the library at 10 am. If there are changes, they will be posted here or on the library's Facebook page.
The next meeting is March 11, 2023 at 10 am

Friends of Hale County Library Lecture
Join us at Project Horseshoe Farm’s Ballroom for lectures by Lori Nichols and Kerry Madden-Lunsford. For more details call 334-624-3409

Digital Skills Challenge
The Newbern Library is hosting the Digital Skills Challenge during October and November. The class will meet from 2-4 October 3, 10, 17, 24, & 31 as well as November 7, 14, & 21.
The Community Services Program of West Alabama, using a grant from NDIa and AARP is sponsoring this program in various counties throughout Alabama. Participants have an opportunity to win a Laptop computer along with other electronics including a webcam, a bluetooth speaker, a mouse accessory and Logo mouse pads. The participants will learn various digital skills to improve their use of their iphones, ipads and other electronic devices. There will be 8 classes and at each class you get to cover a square on your bingo card. The participants with the most squares covered will be entered into a drawing to win a laptop. Each library will receive 10 laptops to be distributed via the drawing to the participants in their area. The more classes you attend the greater your chances of winning a laptop or other electronic accessories.
For additional information you may also contact the Library at 334 624-4880.
Newbern Library Book Club
Newbern Library Book Club meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at the Newbern Library. If you would like to know the current book or any further details please contact the library.
Children’s Authors and Books
Come meet local authors of children’s books, reading, and an opportunity to buy books. Schedule currently pending.